Toilet Tag; A Hilarious Group Game

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Toilet tag is a hilarious active group game that gets kids moving and giggling as players get turned into toilets that need to be “flushed”.


Large play area

How to Play Toilet Tag

Select two-three taggers their job is to tag everyone else and turn them into toilets. When a player is tagged they become a toilet which means, they squat down in one spot and hold one arm in the air with their hand off to the side.  The player can be saved if another player “flushes” them by pushing on their hand. When a player is flushed, they must make a swoosh-flushing noise. The player is now back in the game.

The game is over when only a few players remain.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Farahana

    Lovely activities. I have enjoyed going through all your great ideas and activities.

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