Splash Ball an Active Water Game for Kids

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​Splash ball is a fun water based active group game for kids.  Combine baseball, kickball, a splash ball and a bucket of water for a perfect summer game.


  • A Splash ball (see on amazon)
  • A wiffle bat
  • Bucket of water
  • 5 poly spots
  • 10+ players


Set up 4 poly spots in a diamond shape like a baseball field.  Place the remaining poly spot in the center of the playing area to mark the pitching mound, next to the center poly spot place the bucket of water.  Split players into two teams

How to Play Splash Ball

Team 1 will start at bat, and team 2 will start in the field.  Team 1 will send their first batter to home plate with the wiffle bat.

A player from team 2 will dunk the ball into the bucket of water and throw the splash ball underhand to the batter. The batter will swing the bat and attempt to hit the ball.

If the batter misses the ball they will get two more swings of the bat before he/she is out. (Depending on the age and abilities of the children you are playing with you may want to give more than 3 swings)

When a player hits the ball the batter runs to first base. If the ball is caught in the air the batter is out, if the ball is not caught in the air, the players in the field try and hit the batter with the sponge before the batter gets to a base. If the player is hit with the sponge before reaching base that player is out.

The next batter comes to the plate and the game continues. After three outs the team 2 becomes the batters and team 1 becomes the fielders. The game is over after 3 innings.

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