Cheese Cloth Ghost Halloween Craft

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Kids will enjoy crafting a ghost using simple supplies, like cheese cloth, and starch. Embrace the Halloween spirit with this fun craft for school age kids.


  • Wax or parchment paper
  • A package of cheesecloth (2-3 ghosts per package)
  • Wire (Optional)
  • Bottle
  • Styrofoam ball, balloons  or other round object
  • Liquid Starch
  • bowl

How to Make a Cheese Cloth Ghost

Cover your work space with wax or parchment paper.  This will keep your work space clean and keep your ghost from sticking to the table. Next, place the bottle in the middle of the work space and place the round object on top.  If you are choosing to use wire wrap it around the bottle and position the wire out to the sides to create arms.

To make the solution pour the starch into the large bowl then dilute it with water. The mixture should be about 75% Starch and 25% water. Stir the solution.  

Next cut or rip the cheese cloth into one foot by one foot or smaller squares. If you rip the cloth it will give the ghost an authentic frayed appearance, but it can be difficult to rip.

To start making the cheese cloth ghost, dip a strip of cheesecloth into the starch until it is saturated. Carefully wring it out. You want the cloth to be damp but not dripping. 

Spread the cloth over the balloon or round object so it drapes down around the bottle and repeat.  Continue to add pieces until you get the desired look.  Make sure that the cheese cloth comes all the way down to the table and bunches up a little, this is what will hold the ghost up.

Allow to dry overnight.  Carefully remove the ghosts from the work space paper and remove the bottle and round object. Display your perfect Halloween decoration you created on a dime!

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