Smell Test Challenge; A 5 Senses Activity

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Test kids senses with this fun smell test challenge. Using cotton balls, flavor extracts and other liquids challenge kids to identify scents.

Smell Test Supplies

  • Film Canisters or small containers with lid
  • Cotton Balls
  • A Variety of Extracts (Vanilla, Cinnamon, lemon, mint, etc)

Smell Test Set Up

Select your first extract then put a few drops onto a clean cotton ball.  Next, place the cotton ball inside of a film canister or small container and close the lid. The canister keeps the scent fresh and traps the fragrance. Repeat with your other extracts.  

If you are having trouble finding film canisters you can order them from amazon, I found a 15 pack of canisters for a fair rate. Number each canister and create an answer key making note of which number is which extract.

​How to Run a Smell Test Challenge

I used this activity as a self-guided project.  I set out the film canisters, with simple instructions that read: 

Test kids sense of smell with this fun game.  Using cotton balls, flavor extracts and other liquids challenge kids to identify scents.

“Smell Test Challenge”
Step 1: Write your name on a Smell Test Answer sheet
Step 2: Open canister 1 and smell it. What do you think that smell is? Write it down on your Smell Test Answer sheet next to the number 1.
Step 3: Repeat with the remaining canisters
Step 4: Hand in your answer sheet.

This allows kids to work at their own pace while practicing penmanship and basic writing skills.

The Smell Reveal

After an allotted amount of time.  I reviewed the answers sheets to find who had the most correct answers then return the sheets to the kids. Gather kids together and discuss what they smelt in each canister. After the discussion, give out a small prize or award to the person who got the most correct, if you are feeling generous 🙂

Want more?

If you like the smell test challenge you may also like color detective. Challenge kids to determine how many drops of food coloring went into each cup of water to create a new color.

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