Test Gravity – Falling Bread

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Test gravity with this fun experiment that asks kids to use the scientific method to find out if bread always land buttered side down. Use our free data collection sheet to make predictions, record results and analyze the data.

Supplies to Test Gravity

Test gravity with this fun experiment that asks kids to use the scientific method to find out if bread always land buttered side down. Use our free data collection sheet to  make predictions, record results and analyze the data.
  • A loaf of bread or two
  • Margarine (It spreads easier than butter)
  • A jar of peanut butter or Wow butter
  • A Jar of Jelly
  • Three sets of measuring spoons
  • Three plastic knives
  • A disposable table cloth
  • A ladder or high place to drop things from
  • Data Collection Sheet (Free PDF below)


A basic understanding of gravity is important for this activity. Ask kids what they know about gravity. Make sure they understand that gravity is the force that holds things to the ground and that makes things fall.

If you have a computer near by you can present a short video from PBS called Gravity. It is a four and a half minute video that covers the basics of gravity in a way that even young children can understand.

Set up for Falling Bread

Split kids into three groups. A margarine team,  a peanut or wow butter team, and a jelly team. Give each team a data collection sheet to record their findings. Then place the table cloth on the ground next to the ladder or under the high place.

How to Test Gravity

In this activity kids will test weather or not bread always falls buttered side down. As the administrator of this activity you will lead the kids through each step to ensure safety and consistency.  Explain to the kids that they are participating in a real scientific experiment, and that they will need to follow the directions to a T so that the data collected is accurate.

Step 1 – Test Gravity

falling bread gravity test

Have the kids measure one tablespoon of their spread and spread it on a piece of bread.  Then, have the kids fill in their predictions of the data collection sheet. Next hold the ladder and have one person from the margarine team climb the ladder. Have the child hold the bread margarine side up out over the table cloth on the ground.

Ask the other members of team margarine to watch and try and make note of how the bread falls, does it flip or turn or just fall straight down.  Then, have the kid holding the bread drop the bread. Note how the bread landed and have the children record the data on their collection sheet. Repeat this task with team wow butter and team jelly.

Step 2 – Test Again

Have the kids measure two tablespoons and repeat the experiment.  Then ask them note any differences between one tablespoon and two

Step 3 – Test one More Time

This time add three tablespoons and repeat the experiment.

Wrap up

Have kids discuss how they think gravity affects the falling bread.  Ask if their predictions were correct and what they learned from this activity.

My Experience with Testing Gravity

Kids love this activity, it’s messy, and allows them to climb a ladder.  While these things get the kids participating by the end they were truly interested in the outcome.  They even talked about trying it again with other foods like cupcakes with frosting. Of course, they were probably just trying to get me to buy them cupcakes, but if it gets them engaged and learning I may just do that!

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