Coffee Filter Flowers Craft for Kids

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Get kids crafting with simple supplies you have on hand. Create beautiful coffee filter flowers with just a coffee filter, pipe cleaner, markers and water.

Supplies for Flowers

Get kids crafting with simple supplies you have on hand. Create beautiful coffee filter flowers with just a coffee filter, pipe cleaner, markers and water.
  • Coffee filters (2 per flower)
  • Markers
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Green pipe cleaners

​How to Create Coffee Filter Petals

To start use the markers to color two coffee filters flower. Cover the filters so that there is little to no white showing. The more colorful the filter the more vibrant the flower will be.

After you have colored two filters spray each one with a spray water bottle. Spray until the colors begin to bleed into one another. Kids enjoy this part because it is fun to watch the colors bleed together. I recommend keeping a close eye on this stage of the project so kids are using an appropriate amount of water and the markers do not bleed onto other items.

After the filters have been sprayed and have the colors have blended together allow the filter to dry over night.

How to Make the Coffee Filter Flower

When the filters are dry, one at a time, fold them in half so you have a half circle. Then fold them in half again, they should look like a triangle or a piece of pizza. Next lay the triangled filters on top of one another and grab the point. Wrap the end of a pipe cleaner around the point tightly so that the filters are secure. Spread out the filters to look like beautiful flower petals.

More Simple Flower Crafts

If you like coffee filter flowers you may like pipe cleaner flowers. This simple craft uses just pipe cleaners to create unique and adorable craft flowers.

You may also like Hershey Kiss Paper flowers. This easy craft has kids create paper petals and uses a Hershey’s kiss for the center of the flower.

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